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A. Registration

1. How do I register an account at Build Network?
It's a simple 2-step process. Just log on to www.build-network.com and click on 'Register' in the 'Job Seeker' and 'Employer" section of the top left the corner.

Step 1: Fill in your details

Step 2: Activate your registration by clicking on the "Create an Account" button at the below side.

2. How do I register an account at Build Network?
You can use Build Network and search for jobs at Build Network without registering an account with us. You can apply for jobs after you have an account. The benefits of registering an account and apply via Build Network are that you get access to all the Build Network features which are designed to make every step of your job application process easy.

3. Does it cost anything for me?
Registering a Build Network account is free of cost for Job Seekers & employers. Access to and use of all the features are free as well.

4. Do I need a valid email address and phone no. for registration?
Yes, you need a valid email address and phone number to register on build-network.com You have to verify your email address and phone number. The same email address and phone number will be used to communicate with you in the future. We value your privacy, and we hate spam as much as you do. We are not going to spam or sell your email address to any third party.

B. Log In

1. How do I log in/Sign In?
Click Sign in the top navigation bar of the homepage header and enter your username (email id) and password registered with us.

2. I have created my profile but not able to log in?
You need to check your username and password if you are not able to log in to your account. Please visit your email inbox and look for the welcome mail received from us.

3. I don't remember my password. How do I reset my password?
If you are not able to trace the welcome mail received from us or if you don't remember your password, click on the "Forgot Password" link below the Sign Inbox. It will prompt you to enter your username (email id). A new password will be sent to you on your email address.

C. Explore/Search

1. What is Search?
Search gives you an option to look for relevant jobs based on your specific requirements. To search for a job, you can use the given search window. You may use the following criteria to look for relevant jobs.

For a keyword search, you may enter the Designation, Key Skills, or company name of the desired job. The keyword search is of the following types.

2. How can I search for jobs?
As our system works for you and finds you the matched positions for your skills and preferences, you can also use the search functions to search for jobs. To search for jobs, use the search bar at the top of the homepage.

4. How do I search for relevant jobs?
Search gives you an option to look for relevant jobs based on your specific requirements. To search for a job, you can use the given search window. It is recommended that you specify the keywords, preferred locations and your total experience criteria to access job search results that are closest to what you are looking for.

5. How do I apply for the jobs which I find in the search?
To apply for a job from the search result, you need to first log in and then click on the apply button given with the job posting. If you are not logged in then it will ask to login first or register and apply. You have to fill a small informative form to apply.

D. Profile Update

1. How do I edit/update my profile?
You can Edit/Update your Profile by following these steps.

1) First Login to your Account Using your verified Email ID and Password.
2) Then go to the "My Profile" page.
3) There you can edit your profile by clicking on the "Edit" link against each Parameter.

2. How can I update my employment details? How can I enter more details in it?
You can add previous job(s) details by selecting the area of work, specialization, role and no. of years in that job and click on 'add another job' from the edit section from your profile.

3. How can I update my education details? How can I enter more details in it?
To add another educational qualification, just click 'add more' in the education edit section and select the qualification, specialization, institute and course type, and press add to list. Press the save button, to save the changes to your profile.

4. What kind of information can an employer see in my profile?
Employers can view all the information you have uploaded in your profile.

5. How often do I have to update my profile?
It is recommended to update your profile every six months so that new skills and experience.

6. What are the benefits of a completed profile?
You can search and apply for jobs with an incomplete Build Network profile. However, a completed Build network profile has two main advantages.

The first advantage of a completed Build Network profile is that you will get noticed more by employers.

The second advantage of a completed Build Network profile is that our algorithms and programs will give you better results.

E. Build Network Features

1. What are jobs and how can I utilize it?
If you find jobs that you want to apply to cannot at the moment, you can save them by bookmarking them. They will appear in 'Jobs for You' page in the leftmost section under 'Jobs'. You will also receive notifications when your bookmarked jobs are about to expire.

2. What are job recommendations and how can I activate them?
Job recommendations are jobs that might be of interest to you. They are generated by our algorithm and are based on the information provided to you on your profile. They are automatically turned on for you after you create your profile.

3. What is the salary benchmark and how accurate is it?
The salary benchmark gives you an estimated minimum and maximum salary you can hope to receive from a particular job and designation. This is based on the current job market and our database and therefore may not always be correct.